Housing and Financial Supports for Youth

Feeling safe and secure in your housing and finances are a big part of maintaining a meaningful job that you feel good about. 

It's hard to get to work in the morning if you haven't slept well, don't have a secure place to store your belongings, haven't eaten breakfast, or are without a practical way to get to work - be it by bike, public transportation, or carpool.

Maintaining a place to live allows you to participate and feel included in the larger community of Kitchener/Waterloo; stable housing provides opportunities for rest, planning, relationships, and access to resources that are essential for general well-being.

Visit the Housing Desk at the Working Centre for practical assistance looking for housing. Workers at the Housing Desk can:

  • Work with you to find sustainable, affordable housing
  • Help you talk to landlords
  • Assist you with forms and lease agreements
  • Mediate disputes between landlords and tenants
  • Help you connect with resources around moving, and furnishing a home
  • Connect you with emergency shelter 

The Working Centre provides access to Financial Inclusion resources through our Money Matters Help Desk.  The Financial Inclusion Outreach Worker can:

  • Help you get a bank account
  • Assist you with obtaining ID
  • Help you complete your taxes, and access GST/HST and Trillium Fund monies
  • Navigate issues of debt and credit
  • Accompany you to appointments with financial institutions including OW, ODSP, banks and credit unions

In addition to working together, Money Matters and Housing Desk workers connect with: employment counselors, outreach workers, health-care professionals, Community Tools Projects, and partner agencies to help problem solve the varied and connected challenges that can come up as you transition towards stability in your home, work, and community life.

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