Action Statements

Describe each of your accomplishments in an action statement that emphasizes the results that benefited your employer.  Start each statement with an action verb.

 Be sure the action words are at the beginning of the line.  Use one to start each of your statements on your resume.  You will notice that each word is in the past tense (i.e. developed, demonstrated, initiated, and operated).  This helps to make the statement stronger and expresses your accomplishment.

 Following are some samples of action statements:

  • Provided study participants with information based on stated ambitions; supported participants around a range of individual problems related to lifestyle needs
  • Filled in as receptionist at Centre for Independent Living, handling a heavy load of incoming calls and relaying messages to staff
  • Used C/C++ to make original software programs to assist in the design of  pressure vessels
  • Operated a fast-paced stamping machine to meet and exceed production outputs

Here is a list of Action Verbs to help you.

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